

Notice of Payment of Tuition for the Fall Semester of 2023

조회수 1264

★ Tuition payment period: August 21, 2023 - August 25, 2023 ★


From the Fall semester of 2023, tuition fees will be collected through Virtual Account Numbers.


It is not possible to deposit tuition fee through an existing school account.


Each student has a different account number for deposit tuition fees.

It's your own account number, and it's an account number that only you use.


That's why you can't share your account number with other friends.


You should check your Virtual Account Number through the link below,

check your personal information (Student ID number & Name), and deposit it into your virtual account.

→ https://calvininternational.co.kr/bill


In addition, when depositing tuition, you must deposit the whole tuition fee in order to be able to make a deposit.


If you can't search account, please contact the university office.




Q1. What should I do when I want to apply for a partial payment of tuition?

A1. You should visit the Yongsan office in Seoul and fill out the installment payment application form. Please note that you can't fill it out through KakaoTalk or e-mail.

Q2.  Due to bank limits, I can not deposit the full tuition fee.

A2.  After searching by student number, click the "고지서 발급" button at the bottom to get the tuition invoice. If you visit the bank with your tuition invoice , you can pay your tuition all at once. Please note that tuition invoice can only be printed through a computer.

* You can only process it if you visit the office.

★  To apply for installment payment, you must visit the Yongsan office within August 31st. ★ 


If you have any other questions, please contact us via KakaoTalk or phone number at Calvin University's International Education Center. (Tel.02-715-6435)

국제교육원주소 : 

(우) 04352 서울시 용산구 한강대로 256, 수빌딩 6층 

(04352) 6F, Soo-building, 256, Hangang-daero Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea

교육원전화 :

대표 02 715 6435

팩스 02 713 6435


010 5542 6435, 010 3332 6435


010 3008 6435, 010 3048 6435


010 4308 6435

Web site administrator

Email | seesaw@calvin.ac.kr

Tel | +82 10-9469-7114

Fax | (02)713-6435