국제교육원주소 :
(우) 04352 서울시 용산구 한강대로 256, 수빌딩 6층
(04352) 6F, Soo-building, 256, Hangang-daero Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
교육원전화 :
대표 02 715 6435
팩스 02 713 6435
010 5542 6435, 010 3332 6435
010 3008 6435, 010 3048 6435
010 4308 6435
Web site administrator
Email | seesaw@calvin.ac.kr
Tel | +82 10-9469-7114
Fax | (02)713-6435
[Notice on Change of Residence for International Students]
This is Calvin University International Education Center.
The Immigration Office recommends that international students reside near their registered school.
Accordingly, our school provides guidance on residence within the school commute area during the admission interview.
Students who have not yet changed their residence may be subject to denial of permission for future visa changes.
Therefore, we are re-announced to change their address to the metropolitan area (Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Incheon) near the school.
Please change your address by the end of October this year and notify the International Education Center office.
Thank you,
2024. 10. 11
Calvin University International Education Institute