국제교육원주소 :
(우) 04352 서울시 용산구 한강대로 256, 수빌딩 6층
(04352) 6F, Soo-building, 256, Hangang-daero Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
교육원전화 :
대표 02 715 6435
팩스 02 713 6435
010 5542 6435, 010 3332 6435
010 3008 6435, 010 3048 6435
010 4308 6435
Web site administrator
Email | seesaw@calvin.ac.kr
Tel | +82 10-9469-7114
Fax | (02)713-6435
The final exam will be conducted as a face-to-face class.
December 5 (Mon) - December 6 (Tue)
(1) 1st class(1,2,3 classes) / 9:00~9:50 am (shortened class)
(2) Chapel & Sexual violence prevention education (Grace Chapel) / 10:10 am~12:30pm
(3) 2nd class (4,5,6 classes) / 2:00~2:50 pm or 3:00~3:50 pm (shortened class)
(4) 3rd class (7,8,9 classes) / 4:00~4:50 pm or 5:00~5:50 pm (shortened class)
(1) 1st class(1,2,3 classes) / 10:00~10:50 am (shortened class)
(2) 2nd class (4,5,6 classes) / 11:00~11:50 am (shortened class)
➜ Please refer to the banner at the entrance of the building for class rooms and hours.
2022. 11. 14.
Dean of Calvin University International Education Institute