1 semesterTotal number of hoursClass dayClass SizeClass timeCompletion policyEtc.
10 weeks (4 semesters a year)
150 hours
Monday-Thursday (4 days a week)
About 15 students
4 hours a day (Morning class 09:00-13:00 / Afternoon Class 13:00-17:00)
Attendance (20%) + Exams (60%) + Participation (20%) (1)The average score must be above 70 out of 100 points & (2) Attendance rate (above 80%)
Cultural experience and various activities
Applicants must have a high school diploma or higher degree (including students who expect to graduate) and have not passed more than 5 years after graduation.
입학 및 수업 일정
연도학기기간수강기간오리엔테이션 레벨테스트서류접수기간20212022
강의 구성
학 기수업시수수업일학급규모수업시간수료기준기타
시험점수 평균 70점 이상 + 출석률 80%이상
위 기준을 모두 충족해야 수료자격이 부여됩니다.
지원 자격
최종학력이 고등학교 졸업(예정자 포함) 이상으로, 최종학력을 졸업한지 5년이 경과되지 않은 자
Class Schedule and Application
YearSemesterDurationStudy PeriodOrientation Level TestApplication period20212022
Class Information
1 semesterTotal number of hoursClass dayClass SizeClass timeCompletion policyEtc.
(Morning class 09:00-13:00 / Afternoon Class 13:00-17:00)
(1)The average score must be above 70 out of 100 points &
(2) Attendance rate (above 80%)
Applicants must have a high school diploma or higher degree (including students who expect to graduate) and have not passed more than 5 years after graduation.
Admission Process